Publicado: Anatomical knowledge for the ablation of left and right atrial flutter

Anatomical knowledge for the ablation of left and right atrial flutter

Nina Soto 1Tomás Datino 1David Gonzalez-Casal 1Jorge González-Panizo 1Damián Sánchez-Quintana 2Yolanda Macias 3José-Ángel Cabrera 4 5
PMID: 35579706


The different forms of atrial flutter (AFL) and atrial macroreentrant tachycardias are strongly related to the atrial anatomy in structurally normal atria, and even more so in patients with dilated chambers or with previous interventions. Atrial anatomy, macro- and microscopic tissue disposition including myocardial fibers, conduction system and connective tissue is complex. This review summarizes knowledge of atrial anatomy for the interventional electrophysiologist to better understand the pathophysiology of and ablation options for these complex arrhythmias, as well as to perform catheter ablation procedures safely and effectively.

Keywords: Atrial macroreentrant tachycardia; Cavotricuspid isthmus; Mitral isthmus; Terminal crest; Triangle of Koch.


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