11th November 2022 – Trent Cardiac Centre, Nottingham
Welcome : 9am
TAVI: Past – Present & future
Useful Cardiac Clinical Anatomy
Utility of TOE/Cardiac CT/ICE in structural interventions
Tea : 11am
How to achieve safe vascular access and closure techniques
How to perform a safe / effective Trans-septal puncture
Lunch : 1pm
Hands on experience on Trans-septal puncture-LAAO /ICE & Closure
Basics of common structural intervention procedures / Indications Procedure/ Evidence & Guidelines)
PFO closure:
Percutaneous Mitral valve repair:
VSD/ASD & Para-valvar closure:
Closure remarks: 5pm
Jan Kovac: Profesor of Cardiology. University Hospitals Leic ester NHS Trust
Kamaran Baig: Profesor of Cardiology, University Hospitals Nottingham NHS Trust
Sam Dawkins: Consultant Interventional Cardiologists., University Hospitals Oxford NHS Trust
José Angel Cabrera: Profesor of Cardiology. European University of Madrid.